Character: Midge Hadley

First apparition:   1963


Midge Hadley Sherwood™ is a fictional doll character in the  Barbie™ from Mattel. Midge™ was created, along with Skipper™, to counter criticism that Barbie™ It was a sexual symbol. She was marketed as Barbie's best friend. No Midge dolls were sold. for the rest of the years after the 1960s.

In 1963, Mattel introduced Midge to the market, who had less makeup and a friendlier appearance than Barbie, and she gained popularity. It captured the hearts of girls everywhere, just like Barbie. Midge began to date Alan Sherwood in 1964, while Barbie was dating Alan Sherwood's friend Ken.

Midge, Barbie, Alan and Ken would double the date. Midge disappeared It's 1967, and Barbie has a new best friend, PJ, who uses the same face mold as Midge, the only difference was that PJ had grown eyelashes and only got older. in blonde.

Midge returned In 1988, the dolls sold at that time generally had red hair, often with freckles, and her eye color was usually blue or green. Also during the period, Wedding Day Midge™, and the groom had marketed himself as Midge™'s groom; in ancient years. Although in 1993, 1998, 2008, 2013 and 2022, five reproductions of antique dolls were manufactured specifically for collectors. In the Midge California Dream series she uses the "Steffie" mold from the early 70's. for "cool Times" Midge in 1989. In 1990, it was used the "Diva" mold.

In the early years, Midge was more like a teenager, who was 16 years old and had a Barbie-like appearance. She got married in 1991, leading to the assumption that she was actually older than Barbie. This also means that Midge was a teenager before 1991, with Mattel, presumably having decided to make Midge "grown up" by appearing her as a married woman with children. But after 8 years, in 2013, Mattel rebooted Midge when she was a teenager.

After marrying Allan/Alan in 1991, she became at Midge Hadley Sherwood™. In Price Stern Sloan's Adventures with Barbie series from the 1990s, she and Alan are married, and in book 5, The Phantom of Shrinking Pond, by Suzanne Weyn, copyright 1992, it is implied that She is named after her Aunt Margaret (not the same person as Margaret Roberts). In the most recent fictional Barbie™ story, often written on the back of the dolls' boxes, Midge™ and “Alan™” They have three children, two named Ryan™ and Nikki™ and one that has no name. This was known as the ♥ Happy Family™ and was the subject of controversy when Midge™ it was sold “pregnant” with Nikki™ when she was a baby & eacute; newborn.

Later, around Nikki's first birthday, Midge was "pregnant" again with another child, who was not identified or given a specific gender, since the gender It was a surprise when the owner opened the door. the doll box. Midge has two known parents who are simply called "Grandpa" and "Grandma."

At first, the grandmother-dolls were sold together as part of a large set consisting of the dolls and a set of kitchen sets, but for Nikki's first birthday, they were sold separately . They also came in both Caucasian and African American versions. They use different body molds to reflect their age. As of 2004, Midge was not seen since the controversy for being the first pregnant doll in 2003. Mattel purchased her. She eventually brought Midge back as part of the "Barbie: Life at the Dreamhouse" toy line.

In 2013, he returned She goes on to appear in the web series "Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse." In the series, she undergoes a makeover to appear more modern, although the character tends to act as if she is still in the day. ;each 1960. Allan/Alan is not mentioned in the series.

Physical description

Barbie got For the first time, she had a best friend in 1963, the freckled redhead with blue eyes named Midge Hadley.

Although Midge is identified as having red hair color, she had a variety of hair colors. In reference to those who were dressed in a swimsuit, the variety of colors of the swimsuit were: for the blonde version there was with two shades of blue, the brunette version came in pink and red, and for the Titian tone it came in yellow and orange.

When he came out Barbie™ for the first time, was the subject of much criticism, some of which claimed that Barbie™ I was too mature to look for children. Midge™ she was Barbie's first friend & trade; of the same size ever sold and was created to oppose these controversies directed at Barbie™ . She had a fuller, softer facial mold that was less sexually intimidating, although her body proportions were the same as Barbie's. and both were 11 1/2 inches tall. This allowed So that the two dolls could share clothes and accessories. The mold of her head was stamped "1958", just like Barbie's. . When he arrived Midge™, the markings on the straight-legged body that Moldt Hey shared changed from her to include both her and her.barbie & trade ;: Midge & trade; I had her shoulder-length hair that turned up at the ends. Buyers had the option of purchasing a doll with one of three different hair colors: red, blonde or brunette. Her face was usually dotted with freckles. The dolls that were sold without freckles had longer hairstyles and are now difficult to find. Depending on the doll's hair color, the color of her two-piece swimsuit varied. If Midge™ She was a redhead, her swimsuit was yellow and orange, for blonde hair it was two shades of blue, and if she was brunette it was pink and red. All dolls had white shoes, fashion brochure and a metal doll stand.

The 'FIRST' Midge dolls ™ They have weird teeth, eyes/hair, and had a weird box with a blue ear band, with a different Linner box. The mint set in the rare box is extremely difficult to find.

1963 – 1967 Doll #860 Midge. The color of her two-piece swimsuit varied. If Midge™ She was a redhead, her swimsuit was yellow and orange, for blonde hair it was two shades of blue, and if she was brunette it was pink and red.

In the years 1963 – 1967 Midge™ #860 had white open shoes for dolls. A shoe is marked "Made in Japan" on the sole of the left shoe, there is nothing marked on the right.

The Midge doll™ #860 from the year 1963, it was sold with a fashion brochure from the end of 1962  and beginning of 1963.

The Midge® dolls #860 from 1964 had slightly longer hair and a different type of makeup color. New box lining.

In 1964, the Midge ® They were sold under the name label old ™ and new ®, but in 1965/1967 all Midge® dolls they had the name tag new®

1965, #1009 Midge®'s wig closet.  A Midge doll head® molded with orange headband, three wigs; Titian pigtails, blonde swirl and curl, pouf with a brunette bun. This was the counterpart to Midge® by F ashion Queen Barbie®. As she came with only one head, another doll she had to provide for her body.

1965 – 1966 Fashion Queen Midge™  sold with a different mold head. Available only in the Japan market, the #1009 New Midge™ She came with molded brown hair with a center part and no bangs, has a blue painted headband, brown side painted eyes, no freckles, straight legs that do not bend, and body like the USA Midge Doll. It looks very different from the Midge® doll. sold in USA. She was dressed in a two-piece swimsuit with a yellow top and an orange bottom (same as the one in the US for Midge with titian hair), white open-toed shoes, and gold earrings. pearls. Also included was a brown wig and a rare black doll stand with the name "Midge™" on the black background. The doll case is the same as the Midge USA #860 doll with "straight legs".


From the Happy Family Playline series we can find: Midge Hadley, Alan Sherwood (husband), Ryan Sherwood (son of Midge and Alan, 2002), Nicole "Nikki" Sherwood (daughter of Midge and Alan, 2003), Cassandra Sherwood (Jenny Sherwood in the popular web series "The Happy Family Show") (daughter of Midge and Alan, 2004), twins, a girl and a boy (Nathan and Hannah in The Happy Family Show), grandmother Hadley (Midge's mother, 2004) and grandfather Hadley (Midge's father, 2004). And finally, a nameless puppy (Lucy In The Happy Family Show) (2004).

In 2001 they gave him his own line called Happy Family. Midge was released with a magnetic womb and a baby. Also in line were Alan and his son Ryan, and Midge's parents, although they were never given real names.

Midge is Irish-American.

Midge is called Viky in Brazil.

Lila Hadley (Sister) (Wee Three Friends Only.) Lorenea (Sister) Alan Sherwood (Boyfriend) Ryan (Crush) Ryan Sherwood (Son) (Happy Family Line Only.) Nicole


(1963-1966, 1988-2004, 2013-2015) This character was Barbie's best friend according to promotional materials and packaging. She was the third character introduced in the Barbie line, following Barbie and Ken.

In the Random House novels, her last name is Hadley. She was paired with Allan Sherwood, Ken's best friend, when Allan was introduced in 1964. After marrying Allan/Alan in 1991, she became in Midge Hadley Sherwood.

In the 1990s Price Stern Sloan adventure series with Barbie, she and Alan are married, and in book 5, The Phantom of Shrinking Pond, by Suzanne Weyn, copyright 1992, it is implied that she is named after her Aunt Margaret (not the same person as Margaret Roberts).

She is called Viky in Brazil (from the book Barbie Doll Around the World, by J. Michael Augustyniak, copyright 2008 Collector Books). 

In 2013, she was brought back to the web series "Barbie: Life in the Dream House." In the series, she undergoes a makeover to appear more modern, although the character tends to act as if she is still in the 1960s.

No mention of Allan/Alan in the series. Since 2015, Midge has not appeared in doll form, nor in any of the Barbie movies/shows.

In 2023, Midge appeared in in Barbie: The Movie, played by Emerald Fennell.


Lila Hadley, Lorenea, Alan Sherwood, Ryan, Ryan Sherwood, Nicole...

Barbie / My Scene: Barbie

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