FAQ: Users

As with most Internet pages, Barbiepedia has the possibility of registering on the page with a user (as long as the username is free), one of the main advantages of registering on Barbiepedia is being able to access exclusive sections for registered people.

To register, you only need 3 pieces of information, a username, an email (that exists and you have access to, since later you must activate your account with that email.) and a password, it is always preferable that the password is not the same as the of the email. Note: Barbiepedia will never ask you for your password under any circumstances.

In the section of your registered user you can fill in various optional fields, these fields are necessary for some functions of the page, if you fill them in, you will be able to use them, if you don't fill them out, you will not be able to use them. There is no type of obligation, they are simply necessary for some functions, for example, in the ranking by country, you cannot participate without indicating the country.

Currently, the Barbiepedia users section has been developed including a user directory where you can find all the registered people who have ever accessed it, if you have never accessed you won't show up. All registered users have a complete profile where a lot of data is collected, such as achievements, avatar collections , your collection from the BP Cardverse game, etc. And the main statistics of the games (the bugs will never be publicly included).

The Barbiepedia user directory allows you to find people registered on the page who share the best hobby in the world, the world of dolls. Within this section of the website, you will be able to view all those wonderful people represented by an avatar and a background that they will have previously chosen.

The information that you can find in the Barbiepedia directory is the following:

  • Avatar, each user of the page will be able to choose an avatar that represents them. Just by registering you will get your first avatar. You can get more avatars by completing achievements, participating in events/raffles and/or purchasing them for BP points in the Fashion Shop.
  • Background, each user of the page will be able to choose a background to decorate their user profile. As with Avatars, you can acquire the funds in the same way.
  • User name, each user of the page will have a unique user name that that person will have previously chosen on the day they registered.
  • Points earned, here you can see the number of total points that that user has earned on the page since registering.
  • User display, every time someone accesses a user profile, this data will be recorded, so you can know which users are most popular on Barbipedia.
  • Followers, here you can see the number of people who follow that user, don't forget to Follow Barbiepedia to stay up to date with everything related to the web.

From the user directory you will not be able to see any friends that users may have.

All people registered on Barbiepedia will have a user profile, the information and interaction with user profiles will vary depending on the circumstances of who visits it:

  • If you are not a registered user on the page, or you are a registered user who does not follow that user you are accessing, you will be taken to the summary screen where you will only be able to see the information shown in the user directory, the presentation and social networks, as long as the profile user has filled it out. Remember that to access you must do so with your username once you have activated it, if you have problems activating it, write to me on Instagram.
  • When accessing a user profile that you follow, you will be able to see a screen with the general summary of said user. You will be able to expand the information by accessing each section. This summary screen is exclusive for the users you follow.
  • The detailed information (statistics, collections, lists, etc.) contained in each user will only be visible by registered people who follow that user. To view the user's information, it is mandatory to follow them. If you unfollow a user, you will no longer see that user's information.
  • In order to communicate with a user it is essential that you are friends, you must first send a friend request to that user and said user must accept your friend request. To communicate with Barbiepedia you do not need to take any prior action, all registered people can communicate with Barbipedia.
  • Only registered people will be able to follow other users.

There are different collectible elements in Barbiepedia, such as Avatars, backgrounds and cards from the BP Cardverse game. All collectibles are exclusive to registered individuals.

Collectibles can be acquired in a variety of ways, typically they can be acquired by completing achievements, through the Fashion Shop (using BP points) and at events/raffles etc.

There are limitations on collectibles:

  • Collectibles acquired through achievements cannot be obtained through any other means.
  • Event/giveaway specific collectibles will be exclusive unless otherwise noted.
  • Collectibles purchased through the Fashion Shop may have a limited number of units or time to purchase.
  • Collectibles purchased through the Fashion Shop may have a variable value and/or be offered temporarily.

Barbiepedia reserves the right to change the images of the collectibles without prejudice or prior notice.

Barbipedia game statistics comprise the data that each user can see within the private section of their account so that they can keep a personal and detailed track. Public user statistics will never contain negative information, such as errors or anything that is considered to be offensive or negative. To resolve any questions regarding this matter, please contact Barbiepedia.

Public statistics include successes, number of games, best time and/or any relevant data used for competitive rankings. Competitive rankings do not consider failures, only successes, failures are only used so that the user can truly track their game statistics. Barbiepedia reserves the right to create leagues of players where successes and failures are counted.

The statistics are cumulative, that is, today you play a game and make 100 correct answers and tomorrow you play and make 10 correct answers, then you will have a total of 110 correct answers. If you play again after a month, those correct answers will also be added.

It is not possible to add the statistics of one user to another, if you have lost your username or do not know how to recover it because you do not remember your email account or you wrote it wrong and you cannot access it, please contact Barbiepedia to try to solve it.

The Barbiepedia achievements are actions that you can perform on the Barbiepedia page and that give you a reward, the achievements may or may not include levels, in the case of including levels it will be indicated in each achievement. Completing each level and claiming it will award rewards.

The cards can represent Barbie Dolls, Barbie Playset or Dolls with Barbie Playset. The cards that are only playsets have different decorations and attributes.

All users who complete an achievement will be able to claim it and obtain the associated rewards.

All registered people will have a feed.

The feed is a wall where registered users can write anything related to Barbie as long as it is not within the prohibited content.

The operation is simple:

  1. you have to access your personalized feed or your profile feed and click on the "New post" button.
  2. Give a short title
  3. Write your entry, add text, format it, add images and even add a YouTube video if you wish.
  4. Preview how it will look.
  5. Save and publish your entry.

In the publication box you will find all these functionalities:

You can modify the type of text: Normal, title 2 or title 3.

You can modify the text justification:

Justified text.

Text aligned to the left.

Centered text.

Text aligned to the right.

You can format the text:

Make the text bold.

Make the text bold.

Underline the text.

Tx To remove formatting.

You can insert images or videos:

To add an image

To add a YouTube video, you just have to put the link of the video previously uploaded to YouTube, remember that in order to see the video it must be audience on YouTube.

Unallowed content:

  • The feed has not been created for commercial purposes, the sale or suggestion of sale of dolls and other items will not be allowed. Barbiepedia is working on the possibility of developing an exclusive section for this purpose.
  • Content that encourages the purchase of products is not allowed.
  • Advertising content for products of any kind or stores is not allowed. If you want to advertise a business or anything, use a place outside of Barbiepedia where this type of publication is allowed.
  • Posts with explicit text or images that contain +18 content will not be accepted, such as nudity, violence, explicit images of sexual acts, drugs and others of any kind that may harm the sensitivity of other people, for that there are other types of pages.
  • Hateful posts towards any user will not be accepted. In the event that a user has a problem with another person, they can resolve it in their privacy or in court, Barbiepedia is not the place for this type of personal matter.
  • SPAM is not allowed.
  • Links to other web pages are not allowed.

If you detect inappropriate content or content that violates permitted content, please contact Barbiepedia so we can take action.

Barbiepedia has an internal messaging system exclusively for registered users. Anyone registered on the page can contact Barbiepedia using direct messages. You can contact Barbiepedia from your user account (messages) or by accessing the Barbiepedia user from the user directory. It is not necessary to send a friend request to contact Barbiepedia.

To contact any user other than Barbiepedia, you must be their friend; if you are not, you will not be able to send them direct messages.

In your user account section you can send messages to all users who have previously accepted your friend request and/or you have accepted a friend request from them. Lists will appear and you can write to them from there or by accessing their user profile.

Users of this page must know the internal regulations of the Barbiepedia community and comply with them to maintain a safe and friendly environment between users and the page itself.

Most of the rules of coexistence of this space are those that you will find on any page that contains a community of people, please read the rules before creating your user, because when you create it you must accept it and it is important to read them before accepting them.

In this link you can find the document that includes all the regulations of the Barbiepedia community.

Traps / Cheats

Users who cheat in games, claiming achievements, etc. may be penalized for such actions, as deemed appropriate in each case, Barbiepedia reserves the right to cancel, block, reset statistics/achievements/collectibles, etc. depending on the severity of the actions, in the event that they are classified as very serious. Actions can be taken such as the permanent loss of the user account.

Errors / Bugs

In the event that a user claims an achievement due to a failure or error on the page, this user will lose said achievement for not meeting the requirements and the exclusive associated rewards (such as avatars, cards and/or funds, etc.), any other rewards (such as BP points or envelopes, etc.), Barbiepedia reserves the right to withdraw them or that users can keep them as compensation.

Sanctions / penalties

The Barbiepedia community regulations contain sanctions and other sections that you should know, which is why it is necessary to read them.

If a user undertakes illegal actions within the page, Barbiepedia reserves the right to notify the relevant authorities.