BarbiePedia's blog

Color combinations

Color combinations

  • 25-08-2018

Once the color psychology is decided, it's easy to choose colors that go together. With a color wheel, you can quickly select monochromatic, complementary, analogous, split color combinations, triads or...

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The psychology of color

The psychology of color

  • 25-07-2018

The psychology of color is important, since colors and their tones establish sensations and we have to choose what to choose. we want it to represent the doll that we are going to customize. “Color...

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Color terminology

Color terminology

  • 25-06-2018

Like any area of study, the world of art, design and color is intertwined. Full of technical language. A general understanding of color terminology will be helpful. Useful, both here and as in the future...

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Chromatic wheel and color wheel for your designs

Chromatic wheel and color wheel for your designs

  • 25-05-2018

Understanding the basics of the color wheel will help you. You will significantly influence your color scheme choices, especially if you are not in the market well versed in the universe of color theory. What...

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