Brands of materials for repainting dolls

Brands of materials for repainting dolls

As I already mentioned In the previous entry, the materials are usually all similar, although the type of doll is different.

There are many brands of suitable quality for repaint, here there are a few:

  • Pencils: Derwent Watercolor, Derwent Inktense, Kooh-i-Noor Mondeluz, Faber Castel Watercolor,
  • Chalk pastel colors: basically the same as with pencils: Derwent, Kooh-i-Noor, Faber Castel: good quality chalk pastels, soft and full of pigments .
  • Aerosol Sealants: MSC, CITADEL Munitorum Varnish / previous name was Purity Seal, Vallejo Matte Sealant, Tamiya C series Matte [C is for acrylic color series], Army Painter Matte Sealant.
  • Paints: any brand of acrylic paint! The best known brands are CITADEL, Vallejo, Tamiya, p3, Army Painter or Pactra.
    Better if they are miniature paints because their pigment particles are finer than in art grade paints. They are soft, giving better coverage, a smoother coat on small surfaces, and are a little stretchy after drying so they don't come off.
  • Brushes: Better if they are small brushes, often called miniature brushes, in sizes 1,2, 0, 00 and 000.
    Purchase brushes with bristles of sable or nylon. Nylon is cheaper, but lasts less. The others are more expensive, but if cleaned properly they will last for years.
  • Glossy clear varnish: Sculpey Gloss, Vallejo Gloss, CITADEL Ardcoat, Liquitex Gloss – orange label.
  • Masks: the most popular, available worldwide, is 3M,
    but anything that covers your nose and mouth and has disposable chemical filters will be fine. good
  • Gloves: only use the one that best suits you, whether it is vinyl, plastic, cotton, the one that is most comfortable or you simply like the most ;s.

The importance of purchasing quality products is very simple, if you buy poor quality materials, you will get poor quality results.

Always buy the best quality you can afford, otherwise you will just waste your money!

What's more, the bad results will discourage you and you will end up back in the store, buying more things, this time of better quality. In the end, you will spend twice as much money just because you wanted to cut costs too much. The starter game won't cost you anything. a lot, even with top quality materials! Don't hesitate and buy products that are really quality.

Note: Remember that the most expensive is not always the best quality.

91 I love it
  • visits: 1964
  • 25-04-2018
  • DIY


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