Body Type

Original mold from 1958, used in the first Barbies, it is also used in the reproductions, but includes the year 2004.

This mold can rotate the waist. It began to be used in the 70s, until the 90s. On the brand behind the waist, it says 1966 on all of them.

Mold used since 1996. Bent arms, instead of straight.

Mold like TNT but with the legs more open, the arms open to the sides, not just turn forward and backward. It is the most used in the Mackie era.

Mold of Barbie's first articulated body, there are two versions, one with a flat foot, and another with a heel foot.

Mold used since 2000, the waist does not rotate and is wider, it has a navel, The legs can turn a little to the sides and open.

This mold is like the navel but articulated under the breast.

Mold used in 2006, in short, she is shorter, legs more open, more hips, she seems to be wearing a thong. She is shorter, some call it a midget body, later in 2008 the Belly button body was reintroduced, but with the same big head that they put on the Squad.

Mold from 2004 (strictly for collectors), 2007 (in play line), a slim mold, designed for collection lines, where barbies look like models.

Articulated mold. Also called Jazz Baby Body, because the first to wear them were these dolls.

Mold launched in 2009, practically the same as the pivotal, but with more range of movement, It's the one that fashionista barbies wear.

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