Many new items on BarbiePedia!

Many new items on BarbiePedia!

We have many new items in the doll database.

The BarbiePedia doll database continues to grow every day, with a  titanic effort the web continues to grow both in content and development. More and more functionalities are being implemented, others are being improved, new ones are being thought about and proposed. This is non-stop!

At the time I am writing this entry the mu&ntil;equil database contains a whopping 3210 Items. The items are various types, but they all belong to Barbie, at BarbiePedia we are not limited to listing only dolls and we are not limited to the date of production or sale, we want a unique database. Useful for the greatest number of people, not just a few.

When the BarbiePedia doll database is available, Nowadays, I have the idea of expanding to other Mattel dolls and other Vintage dolls like Chabel and Sindy. What Do you like the idea?

Among the functionalities that I have planned, I am thinking about how to implement a visit counter and a rating counter. I don't know yes I will put I will choose the comments option or if I will reserve it. only for the possibility of developing a real section to identify dolls and that is really useful. It is a project that has to be thought out well, it has many variables and it is not easy.

Well, I'll get to you. counting what little things I'm putting, because I haven't been able to find absolutely any page that has all the Barbie dolls, all of their Playsets and others. Not even the Mattel Americana website has it... And now that they have segregated the section to Mattel creations, even more items have been lost in their database, there were already a lot of them missing, well now I'll be amazed ais with everything they lack, they don't even have the first Fashionistas, they lack a lot of porcelain dolls and dolls. The Mattel website is becoming increasingly popular. worse and it is very difficult to find things on their website... Don't worry that in a while here It won't cost you, I'm still developing the search engine. When I have everything done, I will go to work. reporting here!

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More new items on BarbiePedia!

More new items on BarbiePedia!

We have more new items in the doll database! The BarbiePedia database continues to grow every day, with a  titanic effort the web continues to grow both in content and development. As you have seen,...

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News in the database

News in the database

As many of you may have seen, lately many new dolls have been added to the muñequil database.  ¡More than 800 entries today!. All dolls, dolls, accessories and all fishing are being...

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