FAQ: Achievements

Achievements are a BarbiePedia feature available exclusively to registered users. These achievements are awarded when a logged in user completes a certain number of actions or a specific action. Some achievements also require access to BarbiePedia games, and these only count when the user is logged in.

Most Achievements have different levels. It is necessary to complete the first level to move on to the second and so on.

Completing an Achievement level ALWAYS has a reward, rewards may vary depending on the type and difficulty of the achievement.

There are different types of achievements, below you can find them all:

  • Common Achievements: These are the most common achievements, the most basic, which every registered and logged-in user will be able to access and complete.
  • Temporary Achievements: These are achievements that will only be available for a certain period of time.
  • Special Achievements: These are the most coveted and complex achievements, a real challenge!
  • Referred Achievements: These are exclusive achievements that can only be achieved through an affiliate link.
  • Surprise Achievements: These are surprise achievements and cannot be specified further or they will no longer be a surprise.

Each achievement will have a specific type to which it belongs.

Each Achievement is different and may have one or more requirements to complete.

There are simple Achievements such as Achievements based on the number of visits, items in the lists, "I love it", etc. These types of achievements are common for all users and by simply interacting with the page they can be completed little by little.

Achievements that are subject to merit, such as competitive Achievements, are much more complex Achievements and may require some skill and/or knowledge. These Achievements usually have better rewards.

Each Achievement has its own section where it will indicate:

  • Name of the Achievement.
  • Description of the Achievement, which includes the requirements to complete it.
  • Level (if available).
  • Your progress towards that Achievement represented by a bar.
  • The reward you will get when you complete the Achievement.
  • A button to claim the reward that will be activated when completed.

Remember that you must be logged in on the website to access the Achievements section.

In order to share your Achievements you have to access your personal Achievements section and you will find a link at the top, this link you can share with whoever you want.

Achievements have a unique link for each user, so if you share your list of Achievements achieved, they will always be available.

The Achievements page will ALWAYS be PUBLIC. If you don't want anyone to have the link, don't share it.

The Achievements page of a user can only be accessed through the link and this link will only be known if the user shares it. There is no section of BarbiePedia that links user content, users must ALWAYS share it on their own initiative.

Competitions between users will have results pages, but these pages will be based exclusively on the specific results of that competition and Only data such as the username and their score in that competition and/or the overall score for that game will appear. Sensitive personal data of users will NEVER appear publicly.