Stage fright - Barbie® Generation Girl™

Stage fright - Barbie® Generation Girl™

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  • visits: 1257
  • 31-05-2020
  • Books

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Barbie, THE MOST POPULAR GIRL IN THE WORLD, Shinichi Yanagimoto (Author)

Barbie, THE MOST POPULAR GIRL IN THE WORLD, Shinichi Yanagimoto (Author)

Visual book that describes Barbie until the year 1996. Same as "NOSTALGIC Barbie" and "Twist Barbie", it is Yomiuri Color Mook series.

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Twist Barbie, Mineo Takami (Supervisor), Megumi Taira (Autor)

Twist Barbie, Mineo Takami (Supervisor), Megumi Taira (Autor)

Printed dresses with bright and colorful colors, geometric patterns and eye-catching floral prints. A collection of photographs featuring Barbie and her family from the so-called mod period from 1967...

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NOSTALGIC Barbie, Miyoko Mizuhara (Supervisor), Megumi Taira, Mineo Takami (Author)

NOSTALGIC Barbie, Miyoko Mizuhara (Supervisor), Megumi Taira, Mineo Takami (Author)

This book covers Barbie's Vintage period, which dates from its launch in 1959 to 1966. During the Vintage period many attractive clothing accessories in all colors were introduced. Publication date‏:...

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