Barbie Skipper Babysitters Inc. Doll and Playset, Small Baby Doll with Yellow and Pink Stroller with Rolling Wheels and Removable Seat, Plus Blanket and Bottle, Gift for 3 to 7 Year Olds
Barbie Skipper Babysitters Inc. Doll and Playset, Small Baby Doll with Yellow and Pink Stroller with Rolling Wheels and Removable Seat, Plus Blanket and Bottle, Gift for 3 to 7 Year Olds Barbie Skipper Babysitters Inc. Doll and Playset, Small Baby Doll with Yellow and Pink Stroller with Rolling Wheels and Removable Seat, Plus Blanket and Bottle, Gift for 3 to 7 Year Olds Barbie Skipper Babysitters Inc. Doll and Playset, Small Baby Doll with Yellow and Pink Stroller with Rolling Wheels and Removable Seat, Plus Blanket and Bottle, Gift for 3 to 7 Year Olds Barbie Skipper Babysitters Inc. Doll and Playset, Small Baby Doll with Yellow and Pink Stroller with Rolling Wheels and Removable Seat, Plus Blanket and Bottle, Gift for 3 to 7 Year Olds Barbie Skipper Babysitters Inc. Doll and Playset, Small Baby Doll with Yellow and Pink Stroller with Rolling Wheels and Removable Seat, Plus Blanket and Bottle, Gift for 3 to 7 Year Olds

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Barbie Skipper Babysitters Inc. Doll and Playset, Small Baby Doll with Yellow and Pink Stroller with Rolling Wheels and Removable Seat, Plus Blanket and Bottle, Gift for 3 to 7 Year Olds

Skipper ™ Babysitters Inc. ™
Item Type Playset and Doll
Collection Skipper ™ Babysitters Inc. ™
Classification Play line
Release Date 2018
From 3 years
Batteries No batteries required
Manufacturer Barbie MATTEL
ID BarbiePedia 144
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¡Los niños pueden jugar momentos clásicos de cuidado de niños con los juegos de Barbie Skipper Babysitters Inc. que cuentan con una muñeca pequeña para cuidar niños y una pieza de juego temática, como un cochecito, para ayudar a cuidar el pequeño cargo!
Use la carriola para llevar al bebé a caminar; simplemente coloque la pequeña muñeca adentro y empuje para que la historia continúe.
Quite el asiento del cochecito para divertirse dos en uno; funciona como un asiento de bebé fijo o como un portabebés más pequeño para contar aún más historias y acción.
Una manta, con estampado de animales de colores y un biberón amarillo a juego, fomentan muchas paradas de descanso y juegos de roles enriquecedores.
La figura de la muñeca es fácil de cuidar con un aspecto dulce y un pañal de tela que se puede poner y quitar fácilmente con cierres de velcro, ¡como los reales!
A los niños les encantará ser la niñera y cuidar a los demás con este divertido juego con temática de niñera. Es un gran regalo para los cuidadores jóvenes y los nuevos hermanos.
Colecciona todas las muñecas y juguetes de Barbie para inspirar la imaginación y explorar nuevas posibilidades porque cuando una niña juega con Barbie, descubre todo lo que puede llegar a ser (cada una se vende por separado, sujeto a disponibilidad).

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* The price is shown for illustrative purposes only and is not binding. Actual retail prices may vary.

Barbie is a toy brand belonging to the American toy company Mattel. It was created on March 9, 1959, by Ruth Handler. All products are registered by the respective brands and are copyrighted. Did you find it useful? Remember to cite Barbiepedia as your source of information and keep an active link to the page.

The standard range of Barbie dolls and their accessories are manufactured at approximately 1/6 scale, which is also known as playscale. Barbie products not only include the range of dolls with their clothes and accessories, but also a wide range of items, such as: books, magazines, clothing, cosmetics, video games, decorative objects and almost everything you can imagine. In addition to all that, the famous doll has her own movie saga.

Barbiepedia catalog is the best Barbie Guide. Barbiepedia is the page that contains the most information about Barbie. Barbiepedia contains more than 18,000 Barbie products with photos and data. There are own data and photographs, commercial photographs and descriptions from Mattel and photographs and descriptions from third parties. Barbiepedia also has a blog about the Barbie universe and compatibles. , as well as games designed for Barbie lovers and collectors, also applications related to Barbie and her verse and much more. This website has costs for hosting and other providers. Barbiepedia aims to be a place where you can find anything about Barbie and have a fantastic Barbie experience! When you buy through links on barbiepedia, we may earn an affiliate commission (at no cost to you), which helps keep the site online and up-to-date.