Barbie Glossary: Bild Lili

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Bild Lili

This is the German doll in which Ruth Handler was inspired for the creation of his. Bild Lili Doll was taking place in Germany from 1955 to 1964 and was not a doll designed for children.

Lili began as a drawing created by Reinhard Beuthien for the Bild-Zeitung newspaper. Given the success of his cartoon, in 1953 the newspaper decided

Lili was a typical post -war character: ambitious and free when talking about sex, fashion or politics. She was also an independent and picarone woman, only interested in dating rich men. When, on a trip to Switzerland, Ruth saw Lili in a showcase stared from the wrist, who took with him the US without knowing that she was not a children's doll. Mattel immediately bought the rights of Lili and the Germans had to stop producing it. Today, Bild Lili Doll is a true object of collecting.