Barbiepedia's Games Play Tester

A game tester, also known as a game tester or game quality tester, is someone in charge of testing and evaluating video games to identify and report errors, bugs, gameplay problems, and other aspects that may affect the user experience.

Game testers play a crucial role in video game development, helping to ensure the quality and functionality of the final product before it is released to the market. Your responsibilities may include: Playability testing, Bug identification, Compatibility testing, Performance testing, Localization testing and/or Report generation.

Play the game on different platforms to identify any fluidity issues, difficulties, or programming errors.

Evaluate the usability of the game, including user interface, controls, and instructions, to ensure they are intuitive and accessible to players.

Test the game for errors, bugs or glitches that may affect the player's experience, and thoroughly document any problems found.

Evaluate game performance in terms of speed, fluidity and stability, especially on different devices or platforms.

Test the game on a variety of devices and operating systems/browsers to ensure it works correctly on different configurations.

Collect feedback and opinions from players about the game, including their general impressions, suggestions for improvement, and problems encountered during gameplay.

Create detailed reports of the tests performed, including descriptions of problems found, steps to reproduce them, and recommendations for correction.

Do you have any questions about being a tester? Have you found a bug? Write to me on social networks and I will try to resolve it as soon as possible.